How to install FastPanel on Linux


The panel can only be installed on a clean operating system without any preinstalled software. Installation on a server with preconfigured software is not possible!

In order to install FASTPANEL®, a virtual (VPS) or dedicated server with root access is required. Supported operating systems are as follows:

  • Debian: 9, 10, 11
  • Ubuntu: 18.04, 20.04, 22.04
  • CentOS: 7
  • AlmaLinux: 8
  • Rocky Linux: 8

Step 1:

Connect to the server via SSH using root-password:

ssh root@your.server

Step 2:

Make sure that wget is installed on the server. This utility is needed to run the panel installation script. If wget isn’t installed in the OS, execute the following commands in order to install it:

  • Debian / Ubuntu:
apt-get update; apt-get install wget
  • CentOS / AlmaLinux / Rocky Linux:
yum makecache; yum install wget

Step 3:

Run FASTPANEL® installation process by executing a following command:

wget -O - | bash -

Step 4:

After FASTPANEL® has been installed, you will get a message with the access data:

Congratulations! FASTPANEL successfully installed and available for you at
Login: fastuser
Password: password

Step 5:

Upon the first login FASTPANEL® will ask for a license, in order to get one enter your email address. The license data will be sent to that email.

Knowledge Base Linux
Knowledge Base Linux

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